Christmas Jar Story:’due to the circumstances, the last two were given before Christmas’

Acworth, GA:

This is my 3d year giving a Christmas Jar; however,
due to the circumstances, the last two were given
before Christmas. In 2010, a father with children
was separating, looking for a new home for himself
and his children, and needing money while making
these life changes. My jar was still small but it did
help in a trying time.

This year, the jar went early again, this time to a
man with Stage IV cancer, having problems
getting his meds with no insurance. It was a small
help but a help anyway.

So, I have an early start on next year’s jar. Maybe
it will make it all the way. It does make for
Christmas Spirit all year long; dropping that
change in the jar every few days really feels good.
I try to give a copy of the book with the gift.