Christmas Jar Story: ‘They have been trying to catch up’

Syracuse, Utah:

Several years ago my daughter and son-in-law
went through a financial disaster. They have
been trying to catch up as they pay monumental
medical bills and other bills which pile up. They
are the most giving, positive people we know
and always are looking for ways to serve others.
My wife has stage four metastatic breast cancer
and my daughter and her family have constantly
reached out to us at a time when they need so
much help themselves. They have loved and
cared for us in ways that would make any parent
proud. This year my wife and I decided to give
our Christmas Jar to them.

We have saved and saved all year to surprise
one person and give them hope. We have
helped them along the way but this Christmas
Jar will bring additional hope and a spirit of
love for a family so much in need.

We have given your book to so many
hoping they might look for ways to help
someone else and give them the light
and spirit of Christmas.