Woodstock, Virginia —
All year long, I have been following the medical plight of Baby Chandler on social media. This little girl was a healthy little two year old who one day became sick and ended up in the hospital. Her hospital stay lasted over nine months. During this time her parents asked for prayers that Chandler would be healed. They never lost faith that God would provide for their baby’s needs and the needs of them and their son.
Baby Chandler endured many surgeries to keep her esophagus open. She proved to be a real fighter. Through surgeries and rehab, she and her family continued to place her care and healing in God’s hands.
Finally, before Christmas, Chandler was well enough to come home. Although she was not the vibrant little girl of months earlier, she was and is a blessing for which her family and friends are grateful. Chandler still faces a journey until completely healed, and prayers will continue to be lifted for this dear family. God tells us to help those in need and to spread our love through acts of kindness. Because of this family’s need and their strong faith, their baby girl, Chandler, became the recipient of my Christmas Jar this year, along with the video version of the story. My prayer is that this will inspire them to pay it forward whenever or wherever they see the need. God hears our prayers, and mine is that Chandler will the completely healed and one day be able to thank God for her miracle.🙏❤️