Christmas Jar Story: ‘We all piled in the car to deliver it’

Anchorage, Alaska :

December 2010 was our first Christmas Jar and now we
are so excited to deliver our 2011 jar. My family saved
change for most of the year and then I decorated
a big jar with Christmas ribbon, decals…we
attached an angel with a bit about the Christmas
Jar and included a copy of the book with our jar.
A few days before we were to deliver our jar our
friends started asking if they could drop their
change off to us to include in our jar-we were
so thrilled. We rolled coins several evenings
and ended up with well over $300.00 in our
jar! It was so heavy we decided to cash in the
coins and filled our jar with paper cash-it was

We put the jar and the book in a lovely gift
bag and all piled in the car to deliver it.
While a fiend ran up to the door we all
ducked down so that the recipient would
not see us (slight chance she may have
recognized one or two of us). It was so
exciting to make this anonymous delivery
as I know this family could truly use the
blessing of this gift. The thrill and joy our
family has gained from this simple act of
giving is unmatched. I know this tradition
will be an everlasting one in my family.