Christmas Jar Story: ‘We have both started our Christmas Jars for 2011’

Charlottesville, VA:

The Sunday before Christmas I was at church preparing to teach my Two & Three year old Sunday School class and when I went to get their little Bibles I noticed a silver bag with my husband’s and my name on it setting on top of the cabinet beside the Bibles. Inside I found a Christmas Jar! The timing was awesome because only five minutes earlier I was talking with a friend of mine in the auditorium and she was telling me about receiving a Christmas Jar on her doorstep the night before. After listening to her story I laughingly said, “Well, if you ever find out who gave you the jar, please give them my name.” As soon as I found the Christmas Jar in my classroom I quickly took it out to show her and we hugged while our other friends looked on in awe. We might not ever figure out who to thank personally for our jars but, we can always thank God for blessing us.

We have both started our Christmas Jars for 2011 in hopes that we can bless someone as we have been blessed!

God always provides for His children!