Foley, Alabama
This is the second Christmas Jar to have given. The first one was given last year to a friend’s friend who had recently lost his wife. This year it wasn’t until Dec 23rd that I would know where the jar would go. This year on that day tornadoes swept through a small town in North Mississippi where I once lived. I knew that when we went to visit my family after Christmas I would take my jar and go visit that small town. Many house trailers we completely gone in one small area. I prayed that God would lead me to who the jar would be given to.
I was twice blessed that day because I was lead to someone that had once known my grandfather and also to someone that needed a blessing. I know there were many more that needed it just as much, but he was who the Lord lead me to that day. I never asked for his name nor did I tell him mine. I plan to make the Christmas Jar a daily part of my life.