Kingman, Arizona:
Hello my name is Stephenie Polk. I am 27 years old and a mother of 4. I recently had my 4th child my first little girl. I have had 2 tubal ligations and was never suppose to have kids. I had 2 of my children after having my tubes done. I know I have truly been blessed by god! I have been unemployed since October 2011. I have not been able to maintain work since. There has not been enough work to be able to have a full time job. I was managing to pay my rent with my unemployment and that ran out. I have struggled to find work due to I was pregnant and the laxk of jobs available. I have struggled to find programs to help me with services. Thankfully I recieved Foodstamps to feed my children. We recently became homeless and had nowhere to go. Thankfully my mom came back from California and allowed us to stay with her. She is on Social Security and is only enough to pay the rent so we struggle on a daily basis.
My best friend Christal knows people that live in Payson, Az and told her my story. My friend was just trying to get me some help to get baby clothes or gently used items for the baby. My friend called me last month and told me that some poeple she knew would be sending me a package. I was no expecting anything but when I went to check my mail exactly two weeks ago I recieved the book “Christmas Jars.” I opened the book to find 100.00. I started to cry knowing that I could get a couple presents for my children, as well as a pair of pantss for my 11 year old son that has outgrown all his clothes. I then started to read the introduction of the book aloud to myself and the tears just kept coming. I found it hard to control myself to stop. I was so greatful and know that I am blessed. I still struggling to find work and provide for my children but I know I will be back on my feet again soon and I hopefully will be able to help someone in return. I think that Christmas Jars is amazing and I am so greatful!