Christmas Jar Story: ‘We cried, we laughed and then we cried some more’

Katy, Texas:

This time last year I had been unemployed for seventeen of twenty-three months. Things were more than tight. We were behind in our mortgage and struggling to meet our other financial obligations, not to mention everyday costs. We went to grocery shop for Christmas Dinner and our credit card, with a zero balance, and large credit limit was refused. It was later that evening when our Miracle arrived. We went out to walk, like we do every night after dinner. When we returned home less than an hour later we found a package on our front porch. When I went to pick it up, the weight of the package took me by complete surprise. Inside the gift bag we found a jar full of coins and paper currency along with a copy of the Christmas Jar book. To this day, it’s hard for me to describe the feelings that we felt, overwhelmed, over joyed, we cried, we laughed and then we cried some more.

I’m not a reader, but that Christmas Eve I sat the sofa in our Family Room and read The Christmas Jar cover-to-cover. In all of our years, there was never less under our Christmas Tree, but interestingly, it was our riches Christmas of all. This has truly been the gift that keeps on giving. We have taken the opportunity to share the Testimony of our Christmas Jar with anyone who will listen. It is a Testimony of God’s provisions and the fact that God is never late.

The day after Christmas, even though still strapped we started a Christmas Jar to gift this Christmas Season. Thankfully, God has blessed me with the best job of my life and we’re in the process of relocation to Southern New Jersey, snow and all.

Our plans are made and our Christmas Jar’s destination has been determined. We prayed that God would show us where to Gift it and it’s a most unlikely destination. We pray that it will bless it’s recipient as much as the Christmas Jar we received last year blessed us.

This is a Christmas Tradition that we will continue for years. As a matter-of-fact we’ve already starter our Christmas Jar for Christmas 2011 and encourage you to start one too.

God bless you and Merry Christmas,