Christmas Jar Story: ‘My husband of 7 years took his own life’

Elgin, Oregon:

This has been a difficult holiday season for my family. During the month of November, my husband of 7 years took his own life. Explaining what happened to their daddy was the hardest thing that I’ve ever had to tell my 4 and 6 year old children. How does a child understand that their dad went away and is never coming back?

I have had amazing support from family, friends, co-workers, and my community. There are no words to express everything that has been done for us in the past two months. Last night after I came home from work, I tripped over a large heavy object attempting to get in my front door. To my surprise it was a large jar full of money.

I have never heard of Christmas Jars before and was extremely surprised and moved by this amazing gift. I have a very hard time with accepting donations and receiving pity from others, but here‚s the thing, it‚s different. God works in mysterious ways and this has definitely been proof of that.

The fact that someone thought of my family in this way, with all that we have went through, touches my heart like nothing else. I will continue this tradition and pray that it gives others what it has given me. Hope.