My Christmas Jar journey spanned 13 countries and all 50 states

I began my Christmas Jar journey in 2005 while working at a bookstore. I came across the book, read it, and it changed my life.

I suddenly saw the value in giving back in small ways and anonymously to those who needed to be lifted up. I felt the need to share that experience with as many people as I could. My Christmas Jar journey spanned 13 countries and all 50 states as I sought people from around the world to read the book and become part of the “change” movement—a movement that would change lives through the simple act of giving a Christmas Jar to someone in need.

We were changing lives one family, one person, one Christmas Jar at a time. At the end of my efforts, I have been directly or indirectly responsible for over 1,300 jars being given away to those in need. Others were now experiencing what I had experienced….learning to live with my eyes wide open to those around me who needed to be seen, loved, and given a sliver of hope.

My personal journey over the years has had a lot of heartbreak. I’ve dealt with things I never imagined, but this movement helped me get through it. I poured myself into helping others and as I did, I found I was healing myself.

The movement was like a pebble being thrown into the pond. The ripple effect of giving one jar led to so many others receiving jars. The “paying it forward”  concept was never defined better than it was with Christmas Jars.

It’s been almost 20 years… People continue to reach out every year to let me know they are filling their jar with someone in mind. It fills up my heart and gives me great joy knowing that 20 years later people are still living with their eyes and ears wide open to the needs of others….especially in the world we live in today.

Laurie T.

Westfield, Indiana